26 Feb Firefly Photonics, LLC is Selected to Receive the 2019 University of Iowa Faculty Startup of the Year Award
The Faculty Startup of the Year award recipients are selected by the University of Iowa Office of the Vice President of Research. Recipients of the award exhibit passion, devotion and innovation in planning and deploying their startup and have either made significant progress over the years, or have made an impact as determined by jobs created, revenue generated, or other metrics. For the purpose of this award, a startup is defined as a breakout company that has been formed within the last 3 years or less and founded on University of Iowa intellectual property.
The company executives will be formally recognized at the University of Iowa’s Discovery and Innovation Awards Dinner on April 30, 2019.
For more information, visit: https://research.uiowa.edu/office-vice-president-research/recognizing-research-and-innovation-excellence