26 Jul Firefly Photonics, LLC Highlighted in The Science Coalition as One of 53 Companies Helping Spark Growth and Innovation in US Economy
Firefly Photonics, LLC was one of 53 companies in 12 states highlighted in The Science Coalition report “Sparking Economic Growth: How Fundamental Research Drive Economic Growth and Innovation.” https://www.sciencecoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Sparking-Growth-Report-IV.pdf The selected companies span a range of science-derived industries (engineering, science, technology, STEM fields, education, language, energy and many more) whose fundamental research (i.e., the foundation of all scientific progress) has led to practical and ground-breaking discoveries in every field including LEDs, gas sensors, electronic devices, next generation therapeutics, and analytics. These companies received more than $1.75 billion in research grants from public and private sources translating to more than $700 million being contributed to the U.S. Gross Domestic Product and supporting 9,300 jobs in all 50 states.
July 2021